

This is Lyricity. My team and I created a web lyrics app that allows a user to search for a song that they want to know the lyrics to. If the song is in our database it will generate the lyrics and album cover if available. The user can then favorite that song to save it to their favorites. On the left hand side of the page the user will find a favorites button. When they click on this it will open their favorites tab allowing them to view and revisit their favorited songs or clear their favorites in case they are wanting a new list. If the song is not in our database the user will be greeted with an inspiring Kanye quote and Kanye picture. Future developments include the ability to play music, styled lyrics, ability to create and save music to a playlist.

Tools used for this project include: HTML5, Vanilla CSS, Bootstrap, jQuery, APIs.

If you want to look at the code and see how it was done head here!!
Coding Quiz

Coding Quiz

This is Coding Quiz. I created this web app for my Coding Bootcamp homework. This web app allows the user to start a timed and scored coding quiz. The quiz has a series of 5 multiple choice questions. The user has 100 seconds to complete these 5 coding questions. As they answer the questions if they get the answer wrong it will display the correct answer below the next question. Once the user reaches the end of the quiz they will see their final score which is based off the time remaining. They are then asked to enter their initials to save their score in the high score page. It will also display how many they got correct. Once they submit their score they will be directed to the high score page which will display all logged scores. Future developments include the web app having quizs for multiple languages as well as lessons on languages that users can use to learn how to code and create web apps. Also will save users progress, allow them to have profiles where they save their languages they are learning, projects they have made and a play ground for users to practice.

Tools used for this project include: HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.

If you want to look at the code and see how it was done head here!!
Latte Daa

Latte' Daa

This is Latte' Daa. I created this website for a local coffee stand in my area. On their site a user will be able to see their home page which includes a navbar with the web links, name and their social profiles linked to the icons. The about me page is currently under development. The user will be able to see who owns the coffee stand and a little bit about them. On the menu page users can see the entire menu for Latte' Daa. They will also be able to order off of doordash by clicking on the door dash link or scanning the QR code. Future developments include being able to order directly off the website. Allowing users to pay for goods off Latte' Daa website. Pictures of menu items. On the contact us page user are able to enter their name, email address and a reason for contact in a contact form. Future developments include these contact submissions being sent to an email for the owner to read and respond to. An error message if the user has not entered a reason for contact. A submission form for reviews to be stored on the website in order for others to view at any computer. This website is still under development.

Tools used for this project include: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap and JavaScript.

If you want to look at the code and see how its been created and future developments head here!!
Latte Daa

Note Taker

This is Note Taker. This web app allows a small business owner to create, save, view, and delete notes. The user will be directed to the homepage where they will need to click 'Get Started'. The user will then be able to start typing their new note right away. Once they enter a note title and put text in the note body, the user will then be able to save their note for future access or deletion.

Tools used for this project include: HTML5, CSS3, Node.Js, Express.Js, MySQL.

If you want to look at the code, see how its been created and future developments head here!!
Lee's Reptile Emporium

Lee's Reptile Emporium

This is Lee's Reptile Emporium. Lee's Reptile Emporium is your one stop online shop for new pets ranging from a 14 foot python to a 1 inch dart frog and everything in between. This web-based app will allow the user to view their future scaly family member, add animals to their cart and learn more about all of the amazing ways to incorporate them into your life.

Tools used for this project include: HTML5, CSS3, Node.Js, Express.Js, JawsDB, HandleBars, Sequelize, DotEnv, Bcrypt.Js, MVC.

If you want to look at the code, see how its been created and future developments head here!!